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Polycrystalline texture causes magnetic instability in greigite

B. Lensiak, et al., Scientific Reports (2021)

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Atomic-scale characterization of commensurate and incommensurate vacancy superstructures in natural pyrrhotites

L. Jin, et al., American Mineralogist (2021)

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Structural relaxation in layered, non-stoichiometric Fe7S8

D. Koulialias, et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2021)

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The Besnus transition in single-domain 4C pyrrhotite

D. Koulialias, et al., Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (2019)

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Cation diffusion patterns across the magneto-structural transition in Fe7S8

D. Koulialias, et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2019)

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The relation between local structural distortion and the low-temperature magnetic anomaly in Fe7S8

D. Koulialias, et al., Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (2018)

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On the magnetism behind the Besnus transition in monoclinic pyrrhotite

D. Koulialias, et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2018)

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Torque analysis of incoherent spin rotation in the presence of ordered defects

D. Koulialias, et al., Applied Physics Letters (2018)

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Ordered defects in Fe1-xS generate additional magnetic anisotropy symmetries

D. Koulialias, et al., Journal of Applied Physics (2018)

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Variable defect structures cause the magnetic low-temperature transition in natural monoclinic pyrrhotite

D. Koulialias, et al., Geophysical Journal International (2016)

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Competitive and cooperative anisotropy in magnetic nanocrystal chains of magnetotactic bacteria

D. Koulialias, et al., Journal of Applied Physics (2016)

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Iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetically-triggered healing of bituminous materials

E. Jeoffroy, et al., Construction and Building Materials (2016)

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Magneto-electronic coupling in modulated defect-structures of natural Fe1-xS

M. Charilaou, et al., Journal of Applied Physics (2015)

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Phase transition of chemically doped uniaxial relaxor ferroelectric

S. Chillal, et al., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2015)